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Top tips for navigating Black Friday and Cyber Monday

As you gear up to snag the best deals from the comfort of your home, it's crucial to navigate your online shopping experience with caution.


Goodbye pagination and hello infinite scrolling

Google Search has unveiled a significant transformation to its search experience, eliminating the traditional pagination system and embracing infinite scrolling.


Pros and Cons: Cloud hosting versus on-premises

The choice between cloud and on-premises hosting is a critical decision and both have their pros and cons.

Tips & Tricks

Google search like a Pro!

Knowing how to use Google effectively can greatly enhance your search experience and save you time and effort. Here are some tips and techniques to help you.


Advantages and challenges of embracing cloud computing

Moving to a cloud technology environment could offer your business numerous benefits, but there are challenges that you need to consider.


The importance of being cyber secure

With the frequency of cyberattacks increasing, in this article we have broken down the technical language to explain cybersecurity in layman terms.


13-point checklist for appraising AI apps

Ensuring that an AI app handles your information correctly and does not share it inappropriately involves several steps and considerations.


AI and safeguarding your data – dos and don'ts checklist

While AI tools offer numerous benefits, it's crucial to exercise caution when sharing sensitive, personal, company, or private information.


Implementing AI – business opportunities and issues

While Artificial Intelligence has the potential to deliver many benefits, there are also issues when engaging with it.

Tips & Tricks

How to send reactions in Outlook

This guide outlines the steps to send reactions in Outlook emails, including options Like, Love, Celebrate, Funny, Shock, and Sad.

Tips & Tricks

Convert Word to PDF and send via email

This guide provides a quick and simple method to convert a Word document to PDF and send it via email.


Achieving ROI on your Google ads

Here are seven top tips to enhance your Google Ads return on investment.

Tips & Tricks

Quickly search across Microsoft 365 Cloud

How to quickly search across all your work files in Sharepoint, OneDrive, Teams and much more.

Tips & Tricks

Import data into Excel from an image

Learn how to import data from a photo, scan or screenshot into Excel.

Tips & Tricks

Importing data from PDF into Excel

A guide on how to import data from a PDF file and organise in Excel.

Tips & Tricks

Streamline time scheduling with Microsoft Bookings

A step-by-step guide to create your own 'book time with me' page using Microsoft Bookings.


Why the ‘big switch off’ is an opportunity for UK businesses

There are various reasons why UK businesses should see 'the big switch off' as an opportunity.


VoIP telephone systems – deployment challenges

While VoIP offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of some challenges involved in making the transition.